SRPR Spoonfuls Chapbook Contest

SRPR Spoonfuls Chapbook Contest

Submissions Open: October 1
Deadline: October 31

About the Spoonfuls Chapbook Contest

The Spoonfuls Chapbook Contest seeks two unpublished chapbooks of new poetry in English or in translation between 16 and 32 pages in length. The contest is open to new, emerging, and established writers. The winners will receive book publication, an award of $250.00 and twenty copies of the chapbook. Prizes are awarded on publication.

Our chapbooks are hand-stitched, feature thoughtful covers with a minimalist, abstract, geometrical design that emphasizes local typography and reflects contemporary trends in book cover design unique to the series, and are distributed through our website. We treat our chapbooks with care and aim to offer authors a unique small-press publishing venue that works to break down the barriers of traditional publishing between artists, publishers, and audiences.

Contest Guidelines

Spoonfuls accepts submissions and payment of the entry fee ($25) exclusively through our online submission manager, Submittable.

Entry fee: $25

Entry dates: October 1, 2024–October 31, 2024 (cst)

Entries are limited to the first 100 submissions during the contest period. Entries will not be accepted after we have reached 100 submissions.

All manuscripts will be screened blindly. Do not include identifying information on the manuscript.

All manuscripts should include a include a separate cover letter with the following: name and full contact information (address, email, etc.), chapbook title, brief bio, brief description of the project, table of contents (if applicable), an acknowledgements page (when appropriate). Additionally, you have the option of including a dedication, author’s note, or translator’s note on the cover sheet.

Manuscripts should be paginated and formatted in an easy-to-read font such as Garamond or Times New Roman.

Manuscripts should be 16–32 pages in length, not including front and back matter (table of contents, cover page, etc.). Spoonfuls abides by the CLMP Contest Code of Ethics found here.

Editorial staff of SRPR; previous Spoonfuls authors; and current students, faculty, or staff in the Department of English at Illinois State University (and recent alumni, graduating 2015 to present) are not eligible to submit.

Each winner (or collaborative team) receives $250, publication in the following May, and 20 author copies of the print chapbook. Winners can purchase additional copies of their chapbooks at cost.

The winning chapbook will be published in print format.

Chapbooks published by Spoonfuls are typically letter-half trim size (8.5”x5.5”) and have a limited-edition print run of 100 copies, with 50 copies hand-stitched by Spoonfuls staff and 50 copies saddle-stitched at the printer.

Winner will be announced in December 2024.

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but please notify us by withdrawing your manuscript on Submittable immediately if it is accepted for publication elsewhere.

Multiple submissions (the submission of more than one manuscript to the contest) are permitted. Additional submissions require a separate submission fee.

Collaborative collections are welcome.

Translations are welcome and encouraged. Typically, we are limited to publishing only the English translation, and we are unable to also publish the source language. Please note that translators are responsible for obtaining permissions for publication. By submitting your work for publication, you indicate that you have permission from the author/foreign publisher to translate and publish the work. If Spoonfuls selects your work for publication, we'll ask you to provide proof of this permission.

We will consider submissions including visual art (i.e. interior illustrations or photographs), but please note we do not regularly publish chapbooks with interior art. If selected, artwork will need to be provided in acceptable format and resolution for print publication (300 ppi or higher at the dimensions intended for publication). Please do not include suggested cover artwork with your submission.

Only the first 100 entries submitted before October 31 each year will be considered for the contest.

At this time, we are unable to mail author copies internationally.

International authors or collaborators will receive digital copies only.

Submission Requirements

Manuscripts must be 16–32 pages of poetry (not including the cover sheet).

Manuscripts should be submitted as a paginated MS Word dcoument or PDF.

Manuscripts should be paginated and formatted in an easy-to-read font such as Garamond or Times New Roman.

Your name should not appear anywhere on or in the manuscript.

Submissions should include a separate cover sheet with the following: name and full contact information (address, email, etc.), chapbook title, brief bio, brief description of the project, table of contents (if applicable), an acknowledgements page (when appropriate). Additionally, you have the option of including a dedication, author’s note, or translator’s note on the cover sheet.

Individual poems may have been previously published (note this in an acknowledgments section on the cover sheet), but the work as a whole must be original and unpublished (including publication with a press, self-publication, online/digital publication, and publication in a small, limited-edition print run).

The $25 entry fee includes a copy of the winning chapbook (digital copies will be sent to international recipients).

Only the first 100 entries submitted before October 31 will be considered for the contest.

We welcome a wide-range of styles and approaches to poetry. In past years, Spoonfuls has published writing in translation, writing that is innovative and that expands the genre of poetry, and writing that is more traditionally structured.

How We Read

All manuscripts will be screened by the SRPR editorial staff to select a finalist pool, in conversation with the SRPR editor in chief. Finalist manuscripts will be sent to the Spoonfuls chapbook series editorial director, who will select the two winning manuscripts to receive $250 and publication. All finalists will be listed on the SRPR website and social media pages. The judge may request to see additional manuscripts if necessary. The judge is not permissed to choose manuscripts that present a conflict of interest.

The Spoonfuls Chapbook Series and SRPR, as a member of the CLMP, abides by its Code of Ethics:

The Community of Literary Magazines and Presses believes that ethical contests serve our shared goal: to connect writers and readers by publishing exceptional writing. Intent to act ethically, clarity of guidelines, and transparency of process form the foundation of an ethical contest. To that end, we agree

—to conduct our contests as ethically as possible and to address any unethical behavior on the part of our readers, judges, or editors;
—to provide clear and specific contest guidelines—defining conflict of interest for all parties involved; and
—to make the mechanics of our selection process available to the public.